departure n. 1.起程,出发;(火车的)开行。 2.背离,违反 (from);偏差。 3.【测】东西距离,横距。 4.〔古语〕逝世。 5.【航海】航迹推算起点。 departure and arrival 开出和到达。 departure from the truth 失真,伪。 new departure 新政策,新方案。 take one's departure 出发,起身。
Wage reduction and voluntary departure plan of mpfs authority 积金局的减薪及自愿离职计划
Voluntary departure scheme housing department 自愿离职计划
The company announced this year that it plans to trim head count by 4 , 800 through early retirement and voluntary departures 标致雪铁龙今年宣布,计划通过提前退休和自愿离职将员工数量减少4 , 800人。
The percentage share of expenditure for support has increased due to the inclusion of the expenditure which is one - off in nature under the voluntary retirement scheme and the voluntary departure scheme 辅助服务的开支所占的百分比有所增加,原因是在自愿退休计划及自愿离职计划下的一笔过开支亦包括在内。
It includes expenditure of 1 , 100 million in 2000 - 01 and 4 , 100 million in 2001 - 02 which is one - off in nature under the voluntary retirement scheme and the voluntary departure scheme introduced in 2000 - 01 这包括二至一年度为数11亿元和二一至二年度为数41亿元的一笔过开支这笔开支用于在二至一年度推出的自愿退休计划和自愿离职计划。
The increase arises mainly from pension payments under the voluntary retirement scheme and the voluntary departure scheme implemented in 2000 - 01 to facilitate efforts to enhance public sector productivity and increase private sector participation in the delivery of public services , and from additional expenses for the 2001 population census 开支增加,主要是由于支付在二至一年度推行的自愿退休计划及自愿离职计划下的退休金,以助提高公营部门的生产力,并让更多私营机构参与提供公共服务,另外亦是由于二一年人口普查的额外开支所致。